Over on 4 - 5 November 2020 , and attended by 1453 participants from 78 countries around the world, leaders, managers and specialized researchers, held the care of orphans Union, the first scientific conference to take care of orphans online, under the slogan: "Past experience and development prospects" , has operated business The conference consisted of more than 12 specialized sessions, in which 31 academically refereed scientific papers were presented, which dealt with the main axes of the specialized work in the care of orphans and ways to develop it.
Researchers and speakers presented rich and varied experiences from different regions of the world (Africa, Asia, Europe and America), and conveyed different experiences and cases related to orphans (education, health, institutional care, children of unknown parentage, orphans in conflict areas, empowerment and violence, development and governance of organizations).
The conference participants came out with material rich in thought and knowledge, and a bold ambition for change, and the most important question to achieve this was: How will we move from theory to practice? Or in other words, how will we translate the research and the discussions that accompanied it on the ground? Undoubtedly, this will require a continuous and continuous effort, and the completion, building and development of work. The recommendations of the lectures, discussion sessions and court papers were collected, and the most important contents were extracted, especially those that were common and confirmed by researchers.
The recommendations were as follows:
- The need to develop and adopt an educational curriculum that relies on modern methods and means in education, notes the specifics of the sector in practice, and evokes the concept of successive work in care, guidance and community formation.
- The necessity of achieving social responsibility in the field of educating and helping orphans, and preparing programs to rehabilitate orphans' families and develop their cognitive abilities.
- The need to make residential care a last resort and not a first or best, and to motivate professional and well-trained employees, and to focus on education, training and developing life skills for resident orphans, as well as activating social communication for them and for their dependents, focusing on a higher level of education and reaching their dependents, especially It helps them get over the painful loss they have experienced.
- Regarding the mental health of widows, a number of recommendations focused on holding psychological discharge sessions, involving widows in community service, and holding multiple sessions to increase the level of economic empowerment, as well as paying attention to follow-up psychological support programs for displaced orphans in particular, regardless of the demographic differences between them, as recommended To study a number of variables related to the level of trauma in children.
- With regard to orphans of unknown parentage, the researchers direct the need to unite the efforts of the legislature, the media, and civil society organizations, in order to ensure adequate training for sponsoring families, raise their awareness, and educate the community as a whole about the importance of efforts aimed at achieving the identity and citizenship of an orphan of unknown parentage.
- On violence against orphans, we recommend solidarity to combat vulnerability and poverty among women in general, and to enable them to benefit from all the benefits of development, which enable them to strengthen their capabilities, impose compulsory education for children in the first place, and educate families about the role of science in raising their competencies and capabilities, and the opportunities it offers them. To be better in the future, and the various media should be involved in raising awareness of the dangers of child labor and exploitation, strict control of child laborers and imposing punitive penalties for violators and violations of the labor law, with strict implementation of these penalties.
- With regard to the conditions of orphans in conflict areas, it is necessary to coordinate and unify efforts among institutions working in the field of orphan care. It is necessary to devise modern means characterized by effectiveness and the ability to influence society, to benefit more from the investment of orphans' funds. And work to rehabilitate orphans educationally, professionally and healthily, and bring them up in a sound and correct manner, to have an active and effective role by participating in projects funded from their money, and to have a role in the development of their affected areas.
- On the empowerment of orphans and their families, researchers are interested in working on the economic empowerment of the widow, through the expansion of non-traditional work patterns, in line with global changes and the developments of the times. And the importance of institutionalizing the profession of social work, and promoting social work, through the establishment of specialized institutes, and the introduction and dissemination of this field of knowledge-applied to universities. Likewise, it is necessary to integrate gender issues into ministries of an economic nature, and to put in place laws that guarantee women's economic participation. Providing an attractive environment for widows to work, by amending labor laws to achieve justice and equality with males in wages, and facilitating widows’ access to part-time work and paid vacations.
- The researchers also recommended the necessity of establishing psychological and educational counseling centers for orphaned children with disabilities and their families, which contribute to achieving the required social integration. As well as providing material, educational and educational support for orphans with acquired type disabilities. And work to train and rehabilitate the disabled and his family to achieve psychological and social acceptance of the disabled, provide opportunities for integration in its various educational, psychological, cultural and family aspects, create opportunities for work, marriage, and create health care.
- With regard to the governance and development of organizations working with orphans, the participants believe that the field of orphans care and sponsorship is one of the areas of performance that is in great need of applying the concepts and standards of total quality management, whether in its planning, implementation, or quality control. As well as the importance of generalizing the application of total quality management standards as a mechanism for transferring organizations sponsoring orphans from traditional organizations that may be governed by randomness and the personal orientations of those in charge of them, to distinct organizations that operate according to professional mechanisms that enable them to avoid negatives, face challenges, and meet the emerging needs of orphans.
- In this regard, we call on researchers, specialists and research centers to carry out academic research and field studies that establish the concept of total quality in sponsorship systems, its operations, elements and outputs, and the need to find appropriate mechanisms for cooperation in achieving this, between local, regional and international organizations and institutions in the field of orphan sponsorship, and to benefit from the experiences of The pioneering institutions in the field of care and its various programs.
- With regard to donors, the necessity of adopting studies that combine reality and its conditions, and the ability for future change, the manufacture of alternatives, and the development of capabilities, to keep pace with change...etc. Likewise, changing the way of consideration for money, with the mentality of investment, not consumption, and considering money a message of medium and long-term change, and not a message of relief, development and permissiveness. With the need for attention and adoption to raise the efficiency of the implementing agencies, and build their structural, human and digital capabilities, in order to achieve greater efficiency in spending and less waste, and to develop a partnership of opinion and vision.
- On the other hand, the donor-implementing partnership is considered a guarantee of achieving a higher merit area, longer term, and better operational solvency. And considering the diverse global experience in giving, a place worthy of intensifying the study, and to ensure in-depth research studies, on how to link giving to different societal, evolutionary and change agendas, and studying the determinants, standards and differences between agendas.
- As for the implementing institutions, the researchers see the need to work on framing according to a systematic sectoral and specialized classification, and to establish systems, sectoral, specialized and networked, to achieve interests, advancement, strength, and coordination. And the need to move from reports, research and monitoring of reality, to future studies, because of the change that can be brought about in the medium and long term, and work to turn it into feasibility studies with a holistic successive mindset, not purely limited socio-economic.
- As well as the gradual shift in financial dependence, from total dependence on grants and donations for consumer spending, to its dependence on spending and investment together, and to build future endowment assets to liberate and guarantee the decision, and to ensure business continuity in times of crises and influential variables.
- Considering future studies, with an organic link to reality and its needs, as the capital of forming a critical mass, effective, capable and productive generation of weighting by focusing on (children and youth) and reference groups (parents / schools / community facilities), to build a personality capable of partnering in the future industry, then In his leadership, then in his leadership.
- The researchers and participants thank the Orphan Care Union for organizing and implementing this distinguished conference rich in research, experiences and cases, which achieved a qualitative leap in ways of thinking, application and professional practice. Guiding and future visions.
- The participants also recommended holding executive workshops, following this conference, to study and develop ways to activate the outcomes of the conference, circulate them, and work to adopt them with various organizations and stakeholders, work and service partners.
It was issued at the end of the conference and was read to the participants
