This virus came to us suddenly and unexpectedly, and this is from the destiny of God Almighty.
Which led to our arrival in changing conditions on a daily basis and at all levels, locally and internationally, in which the features of the country and the conditions of people changed, from the closure of government institutions to the closure of shops and companies, from which new financial rights were generated between a merchant, contractor, worker and renter, and many others, both in the private sector Or in general, there is an exemption from work, suspension of salaries, layoffs, and
request for financial fees in advance with suspended service and the story goes on, and there may be no end-of-service gratuity, which may result in social problems, financial hardship and issues, especially for people with low incomes and those in charge of their families.
So it is not there to eat rights and infringe employers on the vulnerable because of the current economic situation and have at their disposal a reaction is not well thought out, not based on the laws of or law, Vindae mind is required and urgent these days (but Trozkon Dafaikm)
and the doors do good many today , including:
✅ attention For the insolvent
✅ Reducing rents
✅ Good loan
✅ Satisfaction with cost limits
This is a time in which people’s minerals appear, and I know that you are owners of authentic minerals, but the legal, legal and humanitarian aspects today must be the subject of dialogue and giving and taking with the specialists…. God help.
