✅ Create groups in multiple geographies;
✅ Rehabilitate these groups and set a specific goal for community assistance;
✅ That the groups focus on different activities - for example, volunteers for health work - volunteers for cleaning - volunteers for awareness - volunteers to help the elderly to shop .. etc.;
✅ Searching for young people with electronic computer experiences to form communication platforms between cities and countries, as the youth did previously in the city of Haiti, and it had a great impact in helping;
✅ That these groups communicate with the official authorities to provide assistance so that there is no duplication and to obtain official permissions;
✅ No rush in application and field work;
✅ The idea of a food bank - because the global purchase is in a state of panic, and thus the supermarkets have become almost empty, and thus doctors and nurses are left without food because of their long work in the hospital;
✅ Providing assistance to orphans and their families, whether in purchasing necessary necessities or raising awareness;
✅ Supporting nurses, doctors, essential workers from the police, delivery staff, etc., to buy their needs, help their children, deliver them, etc., due to their long preoccupation with work in hospitals or the public sector;
✅ Personal care so that no volunteers are infected anywhere, reduce mixing and adhere to the instructions of the ministries of health and the World Health Organization.
Fadi Iskandarani
Orphans Care Union
